This industry-created document addresses the need to identify hazards, conduct a thorough workplace risk assessment and implement control measures. It also addresses the process of selecting the most appropriate AWP equipment for the work involved.
The objectives of this document are to:
- Educate the industry on applicable OSHA regulations and the industry-recognized and supported ANSI/SAIA A92 standards.
- Provide information to assist users and operators in assessing the risk of potential hazards for the work to be done and implementing appropriate control measures to reduce or eliminate such risks.
- Offer guidance and issues to consider in the selection of the most appropriate AWP equipment to perform the work needed.
- Encourage the incorporation of best practices into a company’s workplace risk assessment plan.
Members may download a free copy of this document by clicking here.
Click here to view the Table of Contents.
The industry associations that contributed to the initiative include:
the American Rental Association (ARA), the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) and the Scaffold & Access Industry Association (SAIA).